Guided Pronghorn Hunts in Alberta
Alberta is the most northern range for Pronghorn Antelope and the only province in Canada that allows non-resident hunting for them. While Alberta does not have the same densities as some states in the U.S., the outfitter tags are over-the-counter which eliminates the need to draw a tag to go hunting. Most Antelope taken in Alberta will score in the 70s with a few bucks taken every year that break 80”.
Alberta Antelope Hunts
We hunt the Southeast portion of Alberta along the Saskatchewan and Montana border. This area is comprised mostly of large cattle ranches with hardly any non-ranching residents. These wide-open areas allow us to hunt these speed goats with great success.
Antelope Hunting Methods
All of our antelope hunts are spot and stalk with most of the time spent cruising in pickup trucks and glassing from vantage points. Once a desirable buck is located, we will plan a stalk and try to get within shooting distance.
This hunt is one of our favorite hunts of the entire season, as there are plenty of goats in the area and multiple stalks per day are not uncommon.
Hunt Schedule & Traveling to Alberta for Your Pronghorn Hunt
Hunters are responsible for travel arrangements to our hunting camp, and there are two options:
Flying: Hunters can either fly into Medicine Hat or Calgary and we will arrange to have you picked up at the airport.
Driving: We have lots of hunters that prefer to drive up for their hunt. This allows you to bring more equipment with you as well as take all your meat and trophies home at an affordable cost.
Hunt schedule
All our hunts are 7 days in length with 6 full days of hunting. Please note that it is not uncommon for our hunters to get their buck in the first day or two.
Please also note that once you harvest your buck your hunt is complete.
Alberta Pronghorn season is one week long and it is normally the 3rd full week in October.