Guided Hunts in British Columbia with Tuchodi River Outfitters
Stone Sheep Hunts
Stone Sheep hunting in BC is an experience like no other. Stone Sheep occur only in south-central Yukon (about 3000 animals) and British Columbia (about 12,000). Here, they are distributed along the interior side of the Coast Range from the Yukon border to the vicinity of Mount Edziza and Spatsizi parks in the Stikine drainage and eastward into the Cassiar, Omineca, Muskwa, and northern Rocky Mountain ranges.
Elk Hunts
Our concession in Northern B.C. is well known for it's lush habitat with vast tracts of grassy hillsides and a large presence of water creating opportune elk hunting possibilities. Hunting Rocky Mountain Elk in BC is one of the best elk hunting experiences money can buy.
Combo Hunts
Our BC Moose hunts are done in the form of combo hunts with either mountain goat or elk. British Columbia is home to the Canadian sub species of moose, these moose can be found anywhere from the heavily forested willow swamps to the high valley basins. During the calling season in Sept/Oct the bulls are in rut and in search of females, this can make for an exciting hunt!
Mountain Goat Hunts
British Columbia is home to over half of North America's current Mountain Goat population. According to recent estimates, the number of Mountain Goats in North America has varied from about 75,000 to 100,000. This number includes 14,000 to 15,000 in the western states, 10,000 to 25,000 in Alaska, about 50,000 in British Columbia, and small numbers in Alberta, Yukon, and Mackenzie Territory. This puts B.C. at the top when it comes to trophy-class mountain goat hunts.