Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Hunts in Alberta

Alberta Bighorn Sheep Hunting
Arguably the most highly prized game animal in North America, these hard-won trophies are the pinnacle of many trophy rooms. Bighorn hunting requires a huge financial commitment and it is one of the most physically taxing hunts you can experience.
Alberta is one of the few places in North America where you can hunt Bighorn Sheep without having to spend years trying to draw a tag or spending a large sum of money to buy a Governor's tag. If you want to come hunt sheep, you can get your tag as long as there is availability for the year you want to come. An Alberta bighorn sheep hunt is definitely the number one option for anyone pursuing their grand slam.
Guided Sheep Hunts in Alberta
Alberta is synonymous with Bighorn sheep hunting and has a long history of outfitting for these magnificent trophies. Some of the biggest rams ever harvested have come from Alberta including the previous archery and rifle world records.
Currently, there are approximately 10,000 bighorns living in Alberta, and the province issues less than 100 non-resident tags province-wide.
What to Expect on Your
Bighorn Hunt
Our small, personalized operation (we only take 4 sheep hunters per year) is designed to help you realize your dream of taking a Bighorn Ram. We spend countless hours scouting and preparing for your hunt before you arrive. We only take 1 hunter at a time so that we can concentrate 100% of our efforts on you. We want every hunter to be successful and will do everything in our power to make it happen.
Our hunts are 1x1 guided and each hunter will have a wrangler/packer to help assist with their hunt. Your hunt will start with you flying into Calgary, and the next morning we will pick you up at your hotel and drive you to the trailhead. From there you will travel by horse to one of our main base camps (wall tents with wood stoves) and meet your guide and the rest of the crew. The next morning you will start your 10-day adventure in some of the most breathtaking and rugged mountains you have ever seen.
Our goal is to only harvest mature rams and that is why we limit the number of hunters each year. We want to harvest only rams that are 7 years or older - most of which will score between 155 and 165 B&C.
Sheep hunting is extremely tough both mentally and physically and you need to be fully prepared for that. We recommend that you start exercising as soon as you can, it would also be a very good idea to get some “saddle time” in before the hunt and of course lots of shooting practice.
Remember: The amount of preparation you do before your hunt will have the greatest influence on whether your hunt is successful or not.
Sheep Hunt Schedule & Dates
All of our hunts are 12 days in length with 10 full days of hunting.
The dates listed below are actual hunt dates for which you will need to arrange to arrive in Calgary the day before your hunt starts.
We recommend that you book flexible flights arriving and departing. If the hunter before you tags out early we will bring you in as soon as you can get here. Your departing flight should be flexible as well in case you harvest your ram early or need to stay longer.
Hunt Dates
- Aug 30 – Sept 10
- Sept 11 – 22
- Sept 23 – Oct 4
- Oct 5 – 16